The 7 seasons of Lisandrath:

Hacien – Cold period of hard freeze, ice, and snow. Most of Lisandrath suffers greatly during this season. Some more than others, but all regions will feel the effects. Hacien lasts for 1-2 years and takes place every 10 years.

Solofiel - Hot period of intense heat across most of Lisandrath during perihelion. At points during this season, portions of the land are scalded and travel during the day must be limited.

Unith – When Ol'drian passes the horizon until it finishes it's trek across the sky and falls below the other horizon.

Sha'he - "Red Haze" It is a period in which a smokey red haze of noxious gasses passes slowly across the lands of Lisandrath. For a span of 3 months this haze will come in waves lasting anywhere from a few hours to a mont at a time. During this bouts it is best to completely remain indoors. Ingesting small amounts of these gasses poses no direct harm, but continual direct contact will poison the system of any creature and inevitably kill them.

Bindhe - Portions of Lisandrath experience greate deluges after the passing of Solofiel. During this season, rains come and last for weeks on end before finally slacking off and giving into Verim's return.

Hulgeth - Season where Verim meets Solofiel. The land begins to change drasticall, shifting from the fertile, lushness of Verim to the scalding, unforgivable blaze of Solofiel.

Verim - The fertile and green season of rebirth and life. Plants bear fruit and the land breathes a respite from the cruelties of Solofiel, the deluge of Bindhe and the occasional passes of Hacien.
