Historical Recordings and Overall Information:

In ages long passed, the inhabitants of the planet known as Lisandrath were not as we know them today. There are stories that tell of creatures known only of myth. Of great battle and trade ships that rode the waves of the air. Whether these tales are of fact or fiction, no one knows. To these people, they are the tales of legends. True knowledge has been lost but some semblance of what once was remains. Across the planet, carcasses of unknown creations are sometimes found.

The Haldrion also possess some knowledge of tools and workmanship that no other race exhibits. They guard these secrets fearing mis-understanding and/or the abuse of dominant power. They are also in possession of what they call "techno-magic." The exact details of these magics are known only to the Haldrion and are not even taught at the Zal'arthian School of Instruction.

Lisandrath is a world of high magic ruled by it's dieties and those strong enough to rule. Each culture has it's own set of governmental rules and religious beliefs. The only tying feature among them all is the great Zal'arthian School of Instruction where those of strong magical abilities go to learn control and purpose.